Papers Published in Conferences/Seminars /Journals

A.Arora,M. Aggarwal “Blockchain-Based trust and AI driven water quality prediction in river systems”, Springer Nature Computer Science (Scopus), Online ISSN 2662-995X, Vol 5 , Article No 954, 12 Oct, 2024, doi: Click to access

N.Patel,A.Arora,M. Aggarwal “Evaluating simulation tools for securing sensor data with blockchain:A comprehensive analysis “, Measurement: Sensors (Scopus), Online ISSN 2665-9174, Vol 33 June 2024, doi: Click to access

D.Painuli,S.Kumar, S.Bhardwaj, M. Aggarwal “Machine learning based study on Aphid Infestation in Agriculture Crop at Uttarakhand”, Advances in Food Sciences(WoS) Online ISSN 1431-7737, Vol 45 No 02/2023, pp42-56   Click to access

K. Agrawal, M. Aggarwal, S. Tanwar “MyEasyHealthcare : An efficient and secure three‐tier blockchain‐based healthcare system”, Security and Privacy(Wiley), Online ISSN 2475-6725, 2023, doi: 10.1002/spy2.314. Date – 25/3/23 Click to access

K. Agrawal, M. Aggarwal, S. Tanwar, G. Sharma, P. N. Bokoro and R. Sharma, “An Extensive Blockchain Based Applications Survey: Tools, Frameworks, Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 116858-116906, 2022, ISSN:2169-3536, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3219160. Date – 3/11/22 Click to access

Sumit Bansal, Himanshu Aggarwal, Mayank Aggarwal, “A systematic review of Task scheduling approaches in fog computing”,Transac. Emerging Technologies.,May,2022,ISSN 2161-3915.(SCIE) Click to access

Sunil Kumar, Mayank Aggarwal et al, “Optimization and Prediction of Karanja Oil transesterification with domestic microwave by RSM and ANN”, International Journal of Ambient Energy,Dec 2020,(Online First),Online ISSN 2162-8246.(Scopus/ESCI)

Anju Malik,Mayank Aggarwal, et al. “Optimal Elliptic Effective Approach for Secure Data Storage in Clouds”, International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science, Nov 2020, Vol 11 No 4, ISSN 1947-8208, pp 65-81.(ESCI/Scopus Indexed)

Mayank Aggarwal, Anju Malik, Mani Madhukar, “Effective Cryptographic Renewal Method with Rivest-Shamir-Adleman, Modified Artificial Bee Colony Optimization to Achieve Secure Cloud Storage and Computation in Cloud Computing “, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, June 2020, Vol 17 No 6, ISSN 1546 1955, pp 2702-2708(Scopus Indexed).

Deepak Painuly, Divya Mishra, Suyash Bhardwaj ,Mayank Aggarwal “ Machine Learning based model to combat Covid-19″, International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Aug 2020, Vol 9 Issue 4, ISSN 2306-708X, pp 33-40(UGC Indexed).

Deepak Painuly, Divya Mishra, Suyash Bhardwaj ,Mayank Aggarwal “ Fuzzy Rule based system to predict Covid-19 a deadly virus”, International Journal of Management and Humanities, April 2020, Vol 4 Issue 8, ISSN 2394-0913, pp 78-82(UGC Indexed)

Rahul Bhatt, Mayank Aggarwal “ A Technological Review on Scheduling Algorithm to Improve Performance of Cloud Computing Environment”, International Journal of Technology and Exploring Engineering. April 2019, Vol 8 Issue 6C,ISSN 2278-3075. (Scopus Indexed)

Neelam Panwar, Sarita Negi, M.M.S Rauthan, Mayank Aggarwal, Pragya Jain, “ AN ENHANCED SCHEDULING APPROACH WITH CLOUDLET MIGRATIONS FOR RESOURCE INTENSIVE APPLICATIONS”, Journal of Engineering Science & Technology, Aug 2018, Vol 13 No8, pp 2299-2317 . ISSN 1823-4690(Scopus / ESCI Indexed)

Mayank Agarwal, Kumar N., Kumar R, “Optimized Cost Model with Optimal Disk Usage for Cloud”, Big Data Analytics-Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(Springer, Singapore), 2018, Vol 654, pp 481-485, ISSN 2194-5357(Scopus Indexed)

Nishant Kumar, Raj Kumar and Mayank Aggarwal, “ Energy Efficient DVFS with VM Migration”, European Journal of Advacnes in Engineering & Technology, Feb 2018, Vol 5(1), pp 61-68, ISSN: 2394-658X

Sachin Saxena, Rahul Mishra and Mayank Aggarwal, “ A Comparative Study on Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology, January 2018, Vol 7(1), pp 19-24, ISSN:2278-1323,UGC-47442

Mayank Aggarwal, Pragya Jain and Gopal Krishna, “File Specific Deduplication for Cloud Storages”, International Journal of Applied Research on Information Technology and Computing., Vol 8(3), Dec,2017, pp 293-302. ISSN : 0975-8089.

Mayank Aggarwal,Rinkey and Piyush Gupta, “Impact of Cloud Computing in E-Learning:A Study”, Int. J. of Recent and Inov. Trends in Comp. & Comm ., Vol5(5),June 2017, pp 912-922, ISSN 2321-8169,

Mayank Aggarwal,Rinkey and Piyush Gupta ,Archana Bhatnagar, “Performance Evaluation of E-Learning Sites”, Int. J. of Computer Engg. And Scientific Research , Vol4(9),Sept 2017,pp 18-22,2394-0697.UGC Approved S.No:43032.

Mayank Aggarwal ,Kumar Niley and Kuldip Yadav, “Survey of ndn:future internet”, Int. J. of Inf. Tech., Springer, Vol 9(2),June 2017,pp 197-207,ISSN (Online) : 2511-2104. UGC Approved,S.No-49273

Anurag Rai,Mayank Aggarwal and Anju Malik, “An effective Security Mechanism for on Demand File Storage in Cloud Computing”, ANWESH, Vol2(1), March,2017,pp33-36.UGC Approved

Mayank Aggarwal and Mohit Singh, “Smart City Based on NDNoT: The Future of IoT, Vol 9(36), Sept. 2016,pp 142-147,ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846. Scopus Indexed.

Mayank Aggarwal and Kumar Nishant, “Virtualization: Technology Helping Environment”, IJERC, Vol VI(1), June 2015,pp 58-62,ISSN 0975-6272.

Brijesh K. Upadhyay and Mayank Aggarwal, “Impact of Cloud based services on Mental Health”, Int. Journal of Engineering and Computer Science, Vol 4(8), Aug 2015,pp 13653-13663,ISSN 2319-7242.

Nishant Kumar, Mayank Aggarwal and Raj Kumar, “A Comparative Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms affecting QoS in Cloud Environment” Int. Journal of Computer Science and Network, Vol 4(1), Feb 2015,pp 142-147,ISSN 2277-5420.

Nishant Kumar, Mayank Aggarwal ,Raj Kumar, Spandan Singh and Chirag Goel, “An application Deployment to Openshift Cloud Using existing Git Repository from Local Client”, International Journal Of Engineering and Computer Science, Vol 4(1), Jan,2015 pp 10191-10194,ISSN 2319-7242

Mayank Aggarwal,Akshay Mathur and Yatin Karel, “Doctor App: A Life Saving Mobile Application”, International J of Computer Science and Information Technology, Vol 5(5), 2014,pp 6290-6295,ISSN 0975-9646. (SciVerse Scopus Indexed)

Mayank Aggarwal, Nishant Kumar and Apporv Kaushik, “Review of Research Issues in Cloud Computing” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol 9(21), 2014,pp 9479-9488.ISSN:0973-4562. (Scopus Indexed),

Mayank Aggarwal, Nishant Kumar, Apporv Kaushik ,Akshay Mathur and Yatin Karel “Virtualization: A concept implementation for Cloud” , International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research,Vol 2(3), March, 2014,pp 52-55.ISSN: 2321-0869

Mayank Aggarwal,“ Introduction of Cloud Computing and Survey of Simulation Software for Cloud” ,International Journal Research Journal Of Science & IT Management, Vol 2(12), Oct, 13, pp. 15-23.ISSN: 2251-1563.

Mayank Aggarwal,Nipur and Pallavi, “Hierarchal Secured Fault Tolerant Approach for Mobile Agent: Using Petrinets” Journal of Information Systems and Communication (Bio Info Publications) Vol. 3(1), 2012 pp. 170-173. ISSN:0976-8742.

Mayank Aggarwal and Nipur, “Hierarchal Object Oriented Fault Tolerant Secured and Atomic Mobile Agent Model” Int. Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol 8(6), Nov 2011, pp 241-245. ISSN: 1694-0814

Mayank Aggarwal,Nipur and Pallavi, “Simulation of Static Mobile Agent to Prevent Denial of Service Attack Using CPNs” Int. J on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, Vol5(1), march 2011. Pp 127-132.

Mayank Aggarwal,Nipur and Pallavi, “Simulation of Dynamic Mobile Agent to Prevent Denial of Service Attack Using CPNs” Int. J of Computer Applications, Vol20(1), April 2011. Pp 19-25, ISSN: 0975-88

Mayank Aggarwal,Nipur and Pallavi, “Hierarchal Model to Prevent DoS Attack in Mobile Agents”,Int. Journal of Computer Applications, 2012 pp. 7-10. ISSN:0975-8887. Conference: Int. Conf. of Recent Trends in Information Technology and Computer Science.



Savita Nawani,Mayank Aggarwal and Amit agrwal, “Mobile Agent Model for IT in Education System”, Journal of Natural and Physical Science, Vol 24(1), 2011,PP 69-75.



MayankAggarwal,Nipur and Pallavi, “Protecting Dynamic Mobile agent against denial of service attack”, American Institute of Physics, 2010, pp. 316-318.(Scopus) Conference: ICM2ST



Kanika Aggarwal, Mayank Aggarwal “Blockchain Applications in Health care: Recent Advancements”, IEEE Xplore, 21,Aug,2023, DOI:  10.1109/ICCCI56745.2023.10223473  ISSN:979-8-3503-4821-7. Conference: International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)-23-25,Jan,2023.



Kanika Aggarwal, Mayank Aggarwal “Blockchain based health care system to secure health records”, IEEE Xplore, 21,Aug,2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICCCI56745.2023.10223472 ISSN:979-8-3503-4821-7. Conference: International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)-23-25,Jan,2023.



Papers presented in Conference

Sr. No. Title of the Conference/Workshop/ Seminar Organized By Title of the Paper Presented International/ National/ State/Local Duration
1 Next Generation Computing Technologies UPES, Dehradun Cloud Economics Model International(IEEE-Conference) 4,Sept,2015 to 5,Sept,2015
2 Science and Technology for Indigenous Development in India ISCA and FET,GKV-Haridwar Cloud Providers Analysis and Comparison National 28,Sept,2015 to 30,Sept,2015
3 CSI-Golden Jubilee Convention on Digital Life CSI , New Delhi Optimized Cost Model with optimal resource usage for Cloud International 2,Dec,2015 to 5,Dec,2015
4 Next Generation Computing Technologies UPES, Dehradun Energy Efficient VM Migration in Cloud International(IEEE-Conference) 4,Sept,2015 to 5,Sept,2015
5 Present Innovative Approaches and New Paradigm in Physical Education,29/08/14. Dept. of Physical Education, GKV,Haridwar Effect of Computers on Mental Health National 29,Aug,2014
6 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications & COER-Roorkee Impact of Cloud Based Services on Society International 28,Nov,2014 to 30,Nov,2014
7 National Seminar on Threats to Bio Diversity And Ecosystems GKV,Haridwar Virtualization:Go Green Concept National 17,Nov,2014 to 19,Nov,2014
8 Utrakahand State Science and Technology Congress-2013 Doon University and UCOST Efficient and Secured Infrastructure Management Using cloud National 26,Dec,2013 to 28,Dec,2013
9 National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Sciences GKV,Haridwar Mobile Agent Security Model National 9,Nov,2013 to 10,Nov,2013
10 National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Sciences GKV,Haridwar Cloud Computing : A new prespective National 9,Nov,2013 to 10,Nov,2013
11 National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computational Research and development DSVV, Haridwar Implementing storage as a Service using Scsi National 7,Sept,,2013 to 8,Sept,2013
12 27th Indian Engineering Congress Institution of Engineer’s, Delhi Hierarchal Fault Tolerant Secured Mobile Agent Model International 13,Dec,2012 to 16,Dec,2012
13 Vedic Studies & Information Technology Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar.(23-24 August,2011) Science & Technology in Vedas. National 23,Aug,2011 to 24,Aug,2011
14 World Congress for Man and Nature. GKV Haridwar, from 11-13, Nov, 2011 Role of mobile agent in Digital Education International 11,Nov,2011 to 13,Nov,2011
15 Int.Colloquium on History of Mathematical Sciences and Symposium in Non Linear Analysis Kumaon University,Almorah Survey of Fault tolerance and security issues in mobile agents International 16,May,2011
16 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics & Communications (ICETEC-2009)- 11 September -2009. Indo Global Colleges,Mohalli. Three Tier Secured Mobile Agent Mediated e-bussiness model” International 11,Sept,2009
17 National Seminar on “Power of Algorithms Graphic Era University,Dehradun. Modellling of Three Tier Secured Mobile Agent Model using CPNets National 8,May,2010
18 Emerging Trends in IT Sector – Issues and Challenges Shri Atmanand Jain Institute of Management and Technology Security of Mobile Agents in e-commerce National 14,March,2009
19 Inculcating Spiritiuality in Tommorow’s Technocrats ISOL-Delhi,IIT-Roorkee and GKV-Haridwar. International Conference on Inculcating Spiritiuality and Organizational Leadership,1-5 Feburary,2011 International 1,Feb,2011 to 5,Feb,2011